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I am creative, colourful, whimsical and unapologetically myself

Hi, I am Kirsten

This is my portfolio website. I am a visual designer, who does art as a hobby on the side. On this website, you can find the art and designs that I have made throughout the years, from my very first year of studying to the commissions I get on occassion. 

I can honestly say that I am proud of everything that I put on this website, even if it may not look incredible or extremely professional.


I hope you enjoy going through my website! 

Visual Design

My education first and foremost is visual design. Over the past years, I've worked on several projects, both for school and in my free time. Check out my visual design page for an in depth look at the things I've made over the years.

My Favourites

Here you will find art, inspired by some of my favorite things; books, tv-series, games and a handful of other fun stuff.

Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is a great game, that has place for lots of creativity. On this page, you can find art that was inspired by D&D.


On this page, you will find the commissions I have done over the past years, along with the prices.

My art gallery

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